General program

Download General program JOCICI 2023

9:00 - 9:30am Opening ceremony
9:30 - 10:30am Opening conference
Dr. Mauricio Soto
Automatic Software Repair

Summary: A fundamental problem suffered by current approaches to automatic program repair is the possibility of generating low-quality patches that only pass a subset of tests and do not adhere to the complete program specification. This talk rigorously explores this phenomenon in real-world programs and describes a set of mechanisms to enhance key components of the automatic program repair process to generate higher-quality patches. These mechanisms include an analysis of test suite behavior and its key characteristics for automatic program repair, an analysis of code changes made by developers to inform the distribution of mutation operator selection, and the impact of patch diversity on the automatic repair process, leading to an increase in the quality of generated plausible patches.
10:30 - 11:00am Break
11:00 - 12:00md Moderator: Marcelo Jenkins Coronas
11. Jose Mejías y Christian Quesada-López. Detección de alimentos en anuncios publicitarios usando aprendizaje profundo.
15. Kimberly Orozco Retana y Laura Cabrera-Quirós. Performance characterization on embedded systems for Edge AI person-detection models.
9. Luis G. León-Vega, David Cordero-Chavarría y Jorge Castro-Godínez. Configurable High-Level Synthesis Approximate Arithmetic Units for Deep Learning Accelerators.
12:00 - 1:00pm Lunch break
1:00 - 2:00pm Moderator: Xiomara Carrillo Montoya
21. Jafeth Calderón, Thomas Huber, Jorge Leandro y Edgar Casasola. Clasificación de Malware en Android Utilizando Redes Neuronales y Características Dinámicas.
16. Ana Bejarano Salazar, Kryscia Ramírez-Benavides y Gabriela Marín-Raventós. Application of Artificial Intelligence for Programming Learning in Higher Education Students.
10. Jose Ramírez-Méndez y Christian Quesada-López. Agent-based reinforcement learning framework for model-based testing.
2:00 - 3:00pm Moderator: Karlinna Chávez Gonzáles
18. Luis Diego Mora-Jimenez, Jose Guevara-Coto y Allan Berrocal-Rojas. AutoML. approaches to the identification of novel biomarkers associated with thalassemia
7. Kenneth González Pineda, Francisco Rodríguez Zamora y Elena Gabriela Barrantes. Sliesarieva. Moving Target Defense for diversification of microservices on Kubernetes
8. Deivert Guiltrichs, Ignacio Díaz Oreiro y Gustavo López. Improving the user experience of standardized questionnaires by incorporating gamified mechanisms.
3:00 - 3:30pm Break
3:30 - 4:30pm Moderator: Jorge Ruiz Fernández
4. Jeffry Gondres-Dannenberger y Gabriela Marín-Raventós. Automatic Ontology Learning from Textual Documents: A Systematic Literature Review.
5. Carlos Gómez, Gustavo López y Luis Quesada. Enhancing UEQ Questionnaire Data Visualizations with AttrakDiff Visualization Techniques.
12. Rene Quesada y Gabriela Marín-Raventós. Challenges and Opportunities of Using Artificial Intelligence to Enhance User Experience in Business Analytics: A Literature Review.
4:30 - 5:30pm Moderator: Xiomara Carrillo Montoya
13. Diego Munguía Molina y Jaime Gutiérrez Alfaro. Mobile app for public transportation multimodal trip planning in Costa Rica: proof of concept using free software components and open data.
24. Bryan Alexander Ulate Caballero, Jeisson Hidalgo-Céspedes y Allan Berrocal - Rojas. Evaluation of Concurrent and Distributed Pseudocode Tools.
23. Alejandro Enrique Muñoz-Monge, Jeisson Hidalgo-Céspedes y Braulio J. Solano-Rojas. Cwpx: A Framework for Web Programming in C.
5:30pm Conference closing